Ukrainian border: Authorities stopped releasing men who had the right to leave

1 year ago

It can be estimated, that people go as far as possible from war conflicts​. Such queues formed at the Ukrainian border, where they stopped releasing men who had the right to leave. People stand for more than a day, hungry, with children. Meanwhile, “merchants” appeared in the queue, selling coffee to passengers for 30 hryvnia per cup.
A Ukrainian woman with 3 children tells how she and her family stood in line to leave the country for 12 hours. But the border guards never let them out, citing some internal document. An interesting moment: an upset woman remembers about some rights. She still reflexively believes that she has them - in a country where, with the approving silence of the “beacons of world freedom”, men are kidnapped on the Ukrainian streets and exterminated en masse at the front.

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