Treasures New & Old - #4 "I hold the keys of death and Hades!" (1-01-2024)

1 year ago

Treasures, both from the Old Covenant and the New Covenant.
Matthew 13:52 Ampc: He said to them, Therefore every teacher and interpreter of the Sacred Writings who has been instructed about and trained for the kingdom of heaven and has become a disciple is like a householder who brings forth out of his storehouse treasure that is new and [treasure that is] old [the fresh and the familiar].

Sheol (Hebrew) Hades (Greek) is the place of the dead. Jesus overcame death and Hades (Rev 1:18) and Jesus evacuated paradise/Abraham's presence and led the righteous saints that died under the Old Covenant unto Heaven upon His resurrection from death and Hades, thus establishing the New Covenant.

Teacher: Robert C Smith

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