Tripping on Travel: Meet the Cats, Laconia, NH

1 year ago

During my last visit to New Hampshire, I also took a few minutes to record an 'up close' view of my daughter's five cats who I often include in my video introductions. So, I navigated the camera while close to the floor. She often takes and sends me photos she has taken of them, some of which you will see in the introduction sequence. In the background of some moments in the video, you will see a large television on the wall displaying images of birds feeding. Cat TV, if you will. The cats were quite engaged when they were in front of the TV, looking at and hearing the sounds of the birds. These are all wonderfully cared for, and loving cats. None of them are related. And all are spayed and neutered. Mila and Memow are both females. While the rest of the bunch (including a sixth cat not seen in the video) are males. Of the males, Mingus stands out above the rest on a variety of levels. I refer to him as majestic because that's how he appears to me. And he doesn't even have to try!

A Weekday In A Small Town by | e s c p |
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