EP11 - Clinical Experiences, Education Efforts & Upcoming Studies w/Dr. Dzifa Dordunoo, PhD., RN

1 year ago

Dr. Dzifa Dordunoo is an Associate Professor at the University of Victoria School of Nursing in B.C., Canada. With over 20 years of clinical experience in general medicine and coronary care units, spending the past decade as a nurse educator, after beginning her teaching career in 2011 as a clinical instructor at John Hopkins School of Nursing. Dzifa teaches a variety of courses at the undergraduate and graduate level, particularly courses in cardiac surgical nursing, quantitative and qualitative analysis and research methodology. She is the director of the University of Victoria Center for Evidence-Informed Nursing and Healthcare, A J B I, center of Excellence.
Dzifa shares her experience and research studies in the realm of metal hypersensitivity, which began during the time of her doctoral studies with one of her hospital patients on a cardiac care floor, when, as a curious and caring provider, she became aware of, and investigated the patient’s metal allergy as a possible cause for the patient occluding her stents soon after surgery. Several possible reasons for stent re-stenosis are discussed, as well as possible options for metal-allergic patients.
Dzifa then goes on to share her story of walking her son through a metal-allergy diagnosis to dental hardware and expresses the frustration of not being heard and taken seriously as a professional in the field, even once the situation was brought to full resolution of symptoms after the removal of the offending hardware.
After these experiences Dzifa started polling colleagues about their metal hypersensitivity knowledge, as well as sharing publications with them, quickly realizing that her curiosity and scientific musings were not met with equal excitement in the realm of her peers….with some even thinking she was a little “out there.”. Even wondering why something as simple as pre-screening patients for metal allergies was so difficult. Many didn’t believe in the science or current evidence, while others stated that screening was futile. Dzifa goes on to share her opinions on informed consent.
Dr. Dordunoo shares about her clinical studies, past and present, including several recently published papers, along with info about clinical trials now underway. One of her future goals is to create an implantable device registry. She also shares her thoughts on Metal Hypersensitivity as a future medical sub-specialty.
In closing I discuss rock and roll with Dr. Dzifa. Tune in to hear which is her favorite band.
In this episode you will learn:
How knowledge of metal-hypersensitivity within the medical field is often misunderstood and under-reported.
That even providers within the field have difficulties convincing peers that metal hypersensitivity is real and a pervasive issue for many in the worldwide population.
About upcoming clinical advancements and trials, as well as proposed enhancements to medical device reporting.

~Links and Resources~


Patient Journey Map: Metal hypersensitivity:


Hypersensitivity in patients receiving metal implants: a scoping review protocol:


Metal hypersensitivity screening among frontline healthcare workers—


Hypersensitivity reactions to metal implants:


Consenting patients about metal hypersensitivity:

To learn more visit ⁠HeavilyMetalled.com⁠.
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**Many WONDERFUL, supportive special-interest communities exist for metal allergies and diet, hardware issues, medical devices, etc., online and on social media. They have many resources and often act as a collective think-tank. I owe many parts of my recovery to knowledge obtained in such groups. Search keywords to join these groups and find your tribe!**

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