Brantford Police Sanctioned ABDUCTION & THEFT, A Little Closer To Death Yep!

1 year ago

Your satanic masters sure don't like this one i know pavlovski! you should see my mouse going crazy here now and after yesterday trying it was taking forever at full signal! Well hey as i explained in this one while texting the outreach worker these demon pigs (Brantford Police Service) are now warning motels now not to accept me, they likely screwed with the Sandy Glaze emails too, to setting up the timmies thing to get me locked up for trying to report a terrorist and defending myself, to now being told i can't get the van i need to vacate the Blackrock vanguard owned (terrorist run) PUBLIC STORAGE site now because Brant taxi is run by a bunch of goofs too that let terrorists drive around doing operations in their cars! No surprise at all considering as it's par for the course seeking help here to no avail!

Sure was a great new years though everyone soaked and froze all night yay!

Regardless for the outreach worker i shall be sending this too as a follow up (if they still let you see me that is! or i'm not bloody offed by some muslim brotherhood ISIS fk or corrupt bloody cop either how knows!)

The links i shared in the text are below as well many others and the updated Turtle island jesus lie PDF with other videos i mentioned in this video!

As pavlovski the soros/g8tes satanic rumble puppet here throttles me down to 170KB/s now like! this is only a 520mb video, i have full bars in town and it's only at 33% after 15 minutes? Well hey i have tonnes of proof they screw with me here and anyone can check for yourself if they count your views or not because most of the incriminating videos with evidence they never count the views as they should!

Much like the Annette Marie Evidence one i've shared hundreds of times all over for years! Clicking it hundreds of times myself too and still to this day it only has 134 views!

Annette Marie Evidence ORIGINAL

The PDF below is of new confirmations that the original history of our world actually started on Turtle Island thousands of years before your current tainted pedo king james patented buy-bulls would tell you! It backs up everything white love told me as well and lines up with many others that are now uncovering these things as well!

In the below video you can see White love explain about the jesus lie (that they now changed with AI to invalidate me by added the "herod" part and changing several other things as well) i've put the call out many times for help to prove it's been changed because that would be huge proof white love was spot on! i've also had another girl confirm Albert was not lying nor was he under any kind of mind control saying what he did!

Tartaria Or Could Have Been The Mums Boy bum thing for ottman, white love cut yup!

More videos that where in the outreach worker texts are below_

We Reached A Whole New Level Brantford PD, Glazed Off Keep It Yup!

5G Activate Borg Like Creature Aye, torba Skin Metric Cut Yup!

Would Have Went Anywhere And Done Anything For Y'all Indeed Aye!

"gods" Sun, Slow Kill Government Experiment Continues, jesse & jd Boot fkd Off The Charge Charge Cut!

For Sure i Look Like A Yeti That Got Caught Up In A Wood Chipper Now Brantford PD!

See lots more on how our government is stealing children and protecting pedo judges as well mountains of evidence about the ongoing global democide that has now by the accounts of many culled 1 billion or more globally on Warrior calls linked below!


More below on the greatest Federation of planets sanctioned CULLING likely ever witnessed all in the name of "god"!

Great job for sure [Q] culling billions of creatures for "god" for sure orange clown yay!
#322 How were we all so fooled? Deception, Shills, Disinfo agents, Psy-Ops Mark Devlin and JC Kay

Prophecy isn't really prophecy if it was the master plan, orange skin, musk china puppet cut!

Paid Ops, "gods" Orange Age Harvest Conclusions, Clone Fun Mash!


Also more in my about section and many other videos from the beginning of this hell ride after six nations took the car shall be better organised later i hope!

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