Jack ma's motivational speech Achieve your dreams successful in your career

1 year ago

Jack Ma is the founder and owner of Alibaba, the largest online marketplace in the world and the 2nd richest person in China. He is known for his motivational speeches that inspire entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams and overcome challenges. Some of the main themes of his speeches are:

Attitude is everything. He believes that failures and rejections are inevitable, but they should not stop anyone from trying again. He shares his own story of how he faced many difficulties and setbacks, but never gave up on his vision. He says that one should learn from mistakes and problems, and not complain or worry about them.
Believe in your dreams. He encourages people to have a clear goal and a strong passion for what they do. He says that one should not listen to the naysayers or the critics, but instead, follow their own intuition and judgment. He says that one should be optimistic and confident, and not afraid of taking risks or making changes.
Think globally and act locally. He advises entrepreneurs to have a global vision and a local action. He says that one should understand the needs and preferences of the customers and the market, and provide solutions that are innovative and valuable. He says that one should also be aware of the social and environmental impact of their business, and contribute to the common good.
You can watch some of his motivational speeches here: Attitude is Everything, Believe In Your Dreams, Most Influential Motivational Speech. I hope you find them inspiring and helpful. 😊

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