What is Stuxnet? A computer worm designed to use USB thumb drives to get into internal networks.

1 year ago

My colleague Mark Negovon mentioned Stuxnet at the Dec 7th FL Ethic Committee hearing trying to warn officials that relying on a "air gap" to protect any computer system was rendered useless in 2010.

Our FL Voting Systems standards were developed in 2005 and NEVER UPDATED SINCE.

What is Stuxnet?

It was a computer worm specifically designed to attack USB thumb drives to hop into protected "air gapped" networks.

It then uses nearly undetectable methods to report back anything and everything on that compromised network. Hackers using it can do what ever they want.

It caused the Irania Nuclear enrichment systems that were protected by millions of dollars of systems & experts to catch fire & burn down. It even disabled their safety systems.

Are SOSs and govs really that naive to ignore cyber security in our election systems?

Or is it because they have been bought and paid for?

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