2024 will be the worst year ever when the tribulation begins

9 months ago

Jesus will grab all His bride before WW3 and the tribulation period begins and everything is all ready, stores are locking up medicines, paints and everything else now and you have to ask to get them, cash is being replaced, cashless is everywhere now, the vaccines are back, the tribulation period is about to begin and once the rapture happens it will be hell on earth, God will punish all the wicked and those who acted like they followed God but did not will be left behind to, all the lukewarm phony fake Christians will all be left behind and they will have to decide between Jesus and have their heads cut off or join the antichrist and suffer God judgement and lake of fire forever, there is no middle ground for them anymore, they are either for Jesus or Satan , all the so called pastors will be left behind to, they will pay for lying to people and sending them to hell, Joel Osteen and so many others are false prophets and Jesus will judge them very severely, they are weeds without water and will be cut down and all their dumb church members to, any tree that hears no fruit will be cut down and burned, Jesus will not be nice at all, He will punish all the wicked and pay them back for everything they have done, and that includes those who created the vaccines and got them, outside are the dogs those who are sexually immoral, liars, thieves, abusers, those who practice arts, drunkards, those who love pleasures, and everyone who loves falsehoods, Jesus will destroy Satan, his wicked angels, the antichrist, false prophet and everyone who got the vaccines and rejected Him, after the tribulation ends, Jesus will come back to earth and He will throw Satan in a bottomless pit, throw the antichrist and false prophet in the lake of fire and will take His sword and kill all those who worship the antichrist and birds of prey will eat on them, Jesus is coming back as a Lion of Judah and will judge everyone at the great white throne judgement and will tell everyone all their sins and will throw them in the lake of fire, there is no second chance at the great white throne judgement, the door to grace is shut and will never be given to those who rejected Jesus at the great white throne judgement, you rejected Jesus you die and end up in hell waiting for the great white throne, the Father and Jesus will summon all who have died from Cain on and it will be the final judgement and servere to, games are over

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