( -0614 ) "Basel III Endgame" - Jordan Maxwell & Catherine Austin-Fitts Explain CBDC Terrorists, Plus Former DEA Employee Is Accusing Jack Smith of Extortion

1 year ago

Basel III Endgame Is Such A Cheerful & Friendly Name - Which Upgrade Could You Win In the Banker-Slave Sweepstakes? ( -0614 )

Jordan Maxwell Predicted Basel III Endgame - Plus Catherine Austin-Fitts Explains CBDC Terrorists, Plus Former DEA Employee John Francis Moynihan Accuses Jack Smith of Int'l Extortion Scheme

Simultaneous with Mark Zuckerberg secretly commencing construction on his 200-Millionj + Emergency Bunker, Basel III "Endgame" purportedly merely raises capital requirements to regulate banks. But no "Endgame" would be complete, without managing to End something (& that something must be more significant than just a new trench of regulation). Does this spell the move into some catastrophie

Catherine Austin-Fitts, Christine Anderson, & Jordan Maxwell, with Whitney Webb. Emaza Dilan, & Glenn Beck.

Emaza Dilan, check out her work and Youtube channel!

"The American Political Right doesn't understand that the government wants to help the people when they're down, not 'accidentally' harm them if they're independent thinkers." - unknown

"This Democratic whore, Bill Clinton - all of a sudden, I can't stand him anymore. To me, he is as corrupt and degenerate as the Bushes. He has become almost like an associate of the Bush Crime Family. .... I've had enough of this son of a bitch. I've had enough of him, and his crazy-ass wife. I've had enough, OK? The Clintons can go straight to Hell, along with the Bushes. I've had enough of Bill Clinton; I've had it with this guy. ... I'll say it again: Why isn't Clinton grabbing them by their neckties and shaking them until both these old bastards’ teeth rattle out of their mouths, about why they have destroyed the United States? But that's not Clinton. [4] (on Clinton working with George Bush Sr. and George W Bush following Hurricane Katrina.)
What about the people that couldn't get out?! Someday it's gonna happen to you, Chertoff! ... You won't have a car, and you won't have a government airplane, and you won't have a cell phone, and you won't have a weapon! ... Blaming the victim... You filthy pig! You filthy, good-for-nothing Bush Crime Family member! ... Oh, these people just make me furious! [5] (reacting to Michael Chertoff talking about people that couldn't leave New Orleans before Hurricane Katrina.)" - Mike Malloy

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