Article 4457 Video - To the Remaining Clueless F-Wits - Saturday, November 4, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

9 months ago

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Article 4457 Video - To the Remaining Clueless F-Wits - Saturday, November 4, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

This quiet message is to all the remaining clueless persons out there trying to scare Americans with the threat of "martial law".

We've lived under martial law since 1863.

We've been occupied by our own flipping military since 1863.

They've been evading detection under a "Cloak of Secrecy" and trying to avoid the actual civilian government of this country ever since, but we finally caught up to them.

Joe Biden is trying to create a new office for himself as "War President" but he is just the "President" of a ridiculous Municipal Corporation calling itself the "White House Office, Inc.".

He's not "Commander in Chief" of anything, and to the extent that Donald Trump is, the reach of his long arm is severely curtailed to U.S. Territorial affairs; he can't declare an actual war, either.

Neither could Lincoln.

That doesn't mean that either one of these guys and the foreign "Congresses" associated with them can't get everyone into trouble. They've done it before plenty of times and they are trying again.

The British Crown and their War-monger Cronies are desperate to make some money off their mercenary services known as the "US" Air Force, and "US" Army, and "US" Navy and yes, even, God help us, "US" Marine Corps --- the only service that still screams, "I am an American!"

They are the only ones who still know who they are. Stuff all your jokes about color crayons.

While Joe Biden and the China Development Fund (aka, the CIA Pension Fund) are just as desperate to start something, anything, in the Mideast or breach some opening on this continent for the Chinese or the UN Corp or both.

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