Golden Age of Sugary Cereals

1 year ago

This is for those of you who grew up in the rad '80s, where cereals were sugary and breakfast
was a blast. How can we even begin to forget all those marketing gimmicks the popular
breakfast cereal makers employed to get our parents to part with their money. So join us in
today's video as we embark on some cereal themed adventures.
Remember the miniature toys that were inserted inside the cereals boxes or even the cartoon
characters designed specifically for youngsters to identify as they poured some of the good
stuff into a bowl, or chewed on the flakes like a snack. Certainly, those were the good old days!
But first let's start our journey back in the ancient days of 1876, with a fellow named Dr. John
Harvey Kellogg. He had this wild idea that simple, bland food with no flavour or fun was the
key to good health. He even believed that his tasteless creations could put a damper on people's
romantic endeavors.
Around 1877, Kellogg decided to whip up something new – the world's first-ever cornflake

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