The Top President Biden Gaffes of 2023

9 months ago

Joe Biden falls. He can't speak. He can't count. He can't pronounce names. These things became apparent even to those who like him. But there were other things that he definitely does do that harm the office of the President of the United States and harm the nation itself.

He's often racist. He loves to sniff children. He gets lost on stage. He gets lost everywhere.

This compilation from Newsmax is just the tip of the iceberg. As you'll see, he's very bad when he's trying to be funny. That alone is concerning, but where he gets himself and the nation in real trouble is when he's trying to be serious. That's when he loses his train of thought and says truly stupid things.

Normally when posting gaffes by a Democrat I'd tell you to "enjoy" but in this case, the implications are far too destructive for us to even laugh at... even as the rest of the world laughs at our expense.


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