John Brown, Secret Six, Freemasonry, the Illuminati Conspiracy That Precipitated the Civil War

1 year ago

Excerpt: "Today's video is called "John Brown, the Secret Six, Freemasonry, the Illuminati and the Conspiracy That Precipitated the Civil War
Now, this video will be a bit of a departure from my usual research in that it started off with a dream that I decided to research for its historical context and ended up in a very deep and interesting rabbit hole.
To begin, I am a prolific dreamer. I dream stories. I would say that I time travel in my dreams, some may say I astral project and all of that, but I have had some dreams that have historical significance as you will see with this one.
Without any foreknowledge of the event that occurs in my dream, I am motivated to research the names and situations that are revealed to me. I am always amazed and humbled when I find out that my dream is telling me something about a real event. However the amazing thing about this dream is that it revealed something that I knew nothing about as I was not taught it in school, even though I boast of my fine educational experience. But one thing I did learn from that experience is how to research."

For the full narrative, links and videos please check out my blog
Nana's Rants On Things From A-Z

Music: Youtube Library "Beta Love"



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