bobcat or feral cat mixed? trapping& relocating

8 months ago

I put it on a scale and minus the traps weight this animal weighed 27 lb I've had some fat cats before that way 16 lb but this thing looked healthy and did not have that fat appearance. I've trapped bobcats of hunted them and I've been hunted and I'm telling you this guy was crazy I slept next to it in a sleeping bag in my garage for a few days to try to see if it would come around just in case it was someone's pet and maybe it would show signs of domestication but we brought it into a wildlife preserve where it could not be hunted and even though it's a strong trap it flipped it again and when I released it it ran fast but the second before it disappeared it turned around and looked at my son and I and my son said he was saying goodbye I said in my mind he was probably saying hahaha got away from you but maybe he understood we were putting him in a better place as we fed him and gave him water while he was with us. this is late December and doubt in South and Louisiana woods this is when animals start doing all sorts of weird stuff between hunting gathering and recon if anyone wants to see videos like this and wants me to track animals hundreds of yards into the woods let me know I'm willing to do it to build my subscriber base up because YouTube deleted my channel right before monetization and if you watch my videos this is all it is they said it was some sort of deceptive practices. anyway screw them and piss on them and sorry about the grammar folks I got all this new equipment I spent $3,000 on new stuff including a new phone that has a awesome feature for editing but I'm still trying to get used to it. love you all thank you all for subscribing and hundreds of videos will be uploaded soon that you might laugh at or you might learn from so stay tuned please

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