Rudolf Steiner and Christian Theology where do they link

1 year ago

Rudolf Steiner

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Maybe even more than one
They multiply when left in the dark

See you left them in dark too long

See what’d I tell y’’all

I think I have proven my point in past episodes.
Is Christian Reincarnation in the Bible

I am a Christian channel who looks outside the box. In fact I can’t help looking outside of any box (of any business, or organized religion) which I was a loyal supporter while I was with these two organized churches.
Now that I am not affiliated, with anyone, I can postulate, as I will.
Picture in Rudolf Steiner Theosophy/Esoteric Ear
Lecture 7
From pages 68-69

Bottom page 68
Let’s assume you help someone and intervene in his destiny so that it will be positive.

Now if you were able to help two people this would also in no way go against the law of karma.

Next assume that you are an individual who is called upon to rid the world of an evil by doing a particular thing.

Does that go against the law of karma? The Christ spirit has done exactly the same thing—on a large scale— as a human being who helped not only hundreds or thousands of people but the whole of humanity in performing his deed.

Matthew 9:1-8
Did you also notice Jesus read their thoughts?

The death for redemption, of atonement for others, was therefore wholly in accord with the law of karma and can in fact only be understood in connection with this law.

Page 69
Only those who do not understand will think there is contradiction.
It is just as little in contradiction to the law of karma as is the help which to give to a single individual in need.

With regard to the law of karma you have to think of the future, for we make an entry in our accounts ledger with everything we do and this will bear fruit.

Contradiction between Christianity and karma could only be seen by those who are still caught up in the childhood diseases of theosophy.

Insight into this law of karma will explain many things. In the first place we can exactly demonstrate the connection between bodily development at this time and our previous lives.

A life full of love prepares for a development in the next life that will keep the person young for a long time.

Premature aging, on the other hand, is due to much antipathy in the previous life.

Secondly, a particularly selfish desire for gain creates dispositions for infectious diseases in the next life.

Thirdly, it is particularly interesting that the consequence of pain and, above all, certain diseases one goes through will mean a handsome body in the next life. Such an insight makes it easier for us to bear with some diseases.

In reference to and with insight into such destiny connections, one of the greatest Bible scholars, Fabre d'Olivet used a beautiful image to show how things are interrelated in life.

He wrote: 'Consider the pearl in the shell. The creature had to suffer, and this suffering has given rise to the beautiful pearl.'

And that is indeed how illness in this life is often connected with something that will add something positive to the next life.
End Rudolf Steiner

My contribution to the Future.
Happiness is giving everything you own to others, for their highest and best use. Because then no one can take anything away from you.
By Brozme

Today’s One Word Defines Modern Day Of The World
The sight, the sound and the symbol of our day. What Is It?

In the Worldly mind everything is defined by this one word.

Think of it as the Roman culture; who, knew little of the World beneath their feet.

What is the World
And the narrative below the video.

It is the word in our thought-life and of the smallest meaningful unit of speech that can stand by itself; as a noun or as a verb all-by-itself.

Some would say it is the most questionable word, in the English language and many other languages too.

Combined with any number of low and debased descriptive adjectives.

This one word may be signaled out in several hand 🖕 and full body jesters. The name “Jester” is from (many times a bawdy humorous person) in many medieval courts. Spreading the Luciferian one word into common usage.

Or the one word maybe with any other high sounding grouping of words to lift this short fleeting, feeling, and oh the flaunting of word. It all depends on whether you’re an inny or an outty.

Wife and I have been married for 45 years. We were never confused about who was the inny and who was the outty.

B.B. King
The Thrill Gone
The trady comments are interesting

This poor \/\/0rd (the word we’re talking about) is a part of our thought-life (whether we admit it or not) of as one of the smallest meaningful unit of speech that can stand by itself.

This poor World is fashioned of this word. The entire World is colored by this feeling of the Cabal.
The Cabal has infected you and I into their thought life for at least a thousand years.

It is the feeling, it is the sensation, it is the spark, it is between and against people and objects. It is the soft curves, and it is the physical hardware which defines us as a people.

The sales of all products is driven by this sensation. Sex sells. More is more and less is less.

The \/\/05d today is: if you have it; flaunt it.
You do me and I’ll do you, in that order.
Fuck it, if you WiLL, to be plainly speaking if you have not guessed my meaning BY NOW.

The W0rLD must change, from the contamination and poisoning of the Luciferian Consciousness to an irrepressible infusion of the Christ Consciousness.

So when will you stop using this one word of a spell binding contagion?
Below, all are representatives of the same word, from around the World describing the same Worldview.

Who do you belong too.
In six languages.

It is sad, especially for the English speaking countries of the West, who are so shaded and diluted with this one word.

To say this one word, to use it, is to cast this Satanic spell, this one word as your badge, your symbol of whom do you belong?

Who do you belong too?
In six languages.

Who do you belong too?
Symbols of the
Charley Crockett -
"Killers of the Flower Moon" (Official Video)

The 1920sChannel
The Osage Murders: The True
Story Behind “Killers of the Flower Moon”
The Book is out, and Movie by the same name by Martin Scorsese to come out soon.
Symbols of Time and Space
John Prime
Donald & Lydia

John Prime
Hello In There
Symbols of another day
The Old Quaker said to his lifelong Wife. “Me thinks the entire world is gone crazy. And sometimes I wonder about thee.

Symbols of another day
An Old Quaker put up a 4 sale sign on a lot next to his house. A young man came to inquire about terms of the property.

The Old Quaker said to the Young Fellow. “What do you have planned for the property.”

“An investment property!”

The Old Quaker said. “Well, are you happy for the property you already own?”

“Oh course, we are happy.”

“If you are happy with what you have.” The wise Old Quaker said. “How can you be more happy with more property?”
Digital Soldier Press
The Splitting of the Timeline
On the Digital Soldier Press channel you may see the people who choose a 2D and 3D timeline, those who chose to stay here to the detriment of their souls and body.
We can choose 4D and 5D NOW

Romans 1:28
There will be those who chose a better resurrection, they will be there. You may need to die to your worldly desires and or die physically for the name of YAHWAH, the Christ Consciousness, for following hard after your GOD.

No one discusses dying for your faith anymore?!
Is it still relevant?

How many Christians actually die for the Christian faith. It’s all in how you determine dying for their faith and having to die back on practicing their faith activity.

How Many Christians are killed for their faith.
Take time to at least scan the article

From 3,000 to 90,000 which also includes persons dependent on who and how they died for their faith
Tim McGraw
Live Like You Were Dying"

Hebrews 11:35

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.
John Wesley
This is also an outline of the way of putting to death of the Pride and the Jealousy that boils in your heart.
Exodus 20:5
A way of Amphorizing God, making God more like man, before Christ was manifest.
Be more concerned with your
character than your
reputation, because your
character is what you really
are, while your reputation is
merely what others think you
John Wooden
Johnny Appleseed planted Apple Trees all over Central and Northern America.

He may not have even known why he was doing it. But he was faithful to get up the next day and to plant seedlings.

The Settlers who came behind him some 20 years later had a renewable crop of Apples to feed their families.
Non Monetized
God Supported

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