CASH REWARD- $5,000.00 for proof that the 'Office of the Mayor'

1 year ago

$5,000.00 for proof that the 'Office of the Mayor' is owned by the Province & not the people. Ending the PPP Fraud

Learn What Canada Really is !!


Contact Shelagh

Documents for Creston Deputation:

Contact Neil from the website

The Documentation is near finalization and we all look forward to ENDNING the FRAUD!!!!

"The POGG Primer: Ending the PPP Fraud" revealed gross negligence & corruption done in every CITY HALL by the signatures of de facto Global (Strong) Mayors & CITY CAOs.

"Defrauding the public" is a serious charge & one we don't ignore.

This fraud can & will be corrected with a new oath/"contract" being drafted now.

This is a re-publicing of assets & IMMEDIATE relief from the tyranny of the present financial system. That is valuable information to your Family and Friends.

WE will have updates very soon and much more to release in the coming days. 2024 will be the end of the fraud when more have the information.

So if your serious about ending hte FRAUD - you must take the information and share the information and become the leader /mentor/ organizer to ensure your community ends this FRAUD!

All the best in the New Year to everyone

Changing the System from the Bottom Up - 3 Part Series (Part 3)

Time: Jan 2, 2024 8:30 Eastern Time

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Below is Edson Alberta mayor and council - We are moving forward to expose the FRAUD and END THE FRAUD!!!!!

We will require Teams in Every location to build a data base as shown below

Please also share the contact page to family and friends so they will keep ip with IMPORTANT INFORMATION!

We ask you to please email info of your mayors and council thank you

Mayerthorpe AB Mayor @ Council

Mayor Janet Jabush


I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve as Mayerthorpe’s Mayor for another four years.

I remain committed to advancing the interests of our community. Sustainable economic development and advocacy with regional and provincial stakeholders are always front of mind. Our administration and new Council are focused on essential local and regional initiatives that support economic development.

In the fall of 2020, I successfully ran for the Towns West Director’s position with AUMA. Those duties add to an already busy schedule. I also Chair the Board of our local REDA, GROWTH Alberta, as well as our town’s Health Retention Committee. My other committee appointments include the Northern Alberta Mayors & Reeves Caucus, the Subdivision Development Appeal Board, and the IDP & ICF Committees.

Councillor Rebecca Wells


My background is in Social Work, I have been the Executive Director at Wellspring Family Resource & Crisis Centre for the last 8 and half years. I have been on many committees and Boards throughout this time. I

Councillor Anna Greenwood


I am excited to be returning to council for another term. I believe Mayerthorpe is a great town and I look forward to collaborating with the rest of council, as we work towards making it become even better.

I was born and raised on a multi-generational family farm north of Sangudo. I am proud to be the third generation of my family involved in politics at various levels.

I moved to Mayerthorpe in 1983 and began my teaching career. I remained at Elmer Elson Elementary for over 35 years, until my retirement in 2018. During that time, I taught multiple grades and served as assistant principal and principal.

Over the years I have been involved in our community in many ways, particularly with various sports groups. I have also been involved with community groups such as: Citizen’s Advisory Committee, Community Services Board and Youth Justice Committee.

Councillor Pat Burns


I have owned 6 lots in town. I have built 3 homes for myself and family in town.  My mother and father built the Lariat Restaurant, they ran the Lariat Restaurant , Shamrock Flower Shop, and the Mayerthorpe Upholstery Shop.

I have had a business in town for almost 40 years, PTB Contracting (Carpentry). I have a Journeyman Carpentry Ticket RSE.


Councillor Sandy Morton


I am so excited to be starting my 8th year on council!!

I have completed several AUMA courses, law seminars, PD at conferences, U of A Indigenous course, participated in the Blanket Ceremony and been a member of several boards and committees. I am amazed at the work being done by so many to make our community and neighborhood the best it can be.

I am a retired teacher who was lucky enough to have a job for 39 years that I absolutely loved. I am a graduate of the University of Western Ontario (B.A, B.Ed.) I taught in Ontario, Africa (Lesotho) and Jasper. Twenty-eight of my teaching years were in Sangudo (David Ovans Elementary School and Sangudo Community School)

Councillor Esther Sonnenberg


I have a BSC in Biology and Physiotherapy and a Certificate in Massage Therapy.  I have been working in Mayerthorpe for over twenty years and half those years in my current location on main street at Esther's Healing Center. 


There is no other path.

It is our destiny, and if we don’t take action we will be diluted out from ever again being able to take this course of action that will make us the free

Organzie a Local Meeting - We have so many men and women looking to connect!

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