TSG Ep 56 - The Forgotten Paradise W/ Alpha Talkz

1 year ago

In this episode of The Spiritual Gangsters we had a great chat with Vitaliy, aka Alpha Talkz about The Garden of Eden. Deeply researched on the topic, he leans into the idea of a perfect earthly paradise, a creation story that is found in many different forms throughout the world. The different myths, legends, and stories of old concerning a mythical paradise are so similar, it appears that a perfect paradise on earth is more memory than myth. We discuss Vitaliy's research for his book, The Forgotten Paradise, which is his attempt at proving that a mythical paradise spoken of throughout history is not just an allegory, but actually exists as a physical geographic location. Find more of his work below!

More From Alpha Talkz
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/alphatalkz/
YouTube - @AlphaTalkz
Book - https://www.amazon.ca/Paradise-Old-Vitaliy-Podgornyy/dp/B0C7J9T9TM

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