Comes from the Ministry of Truth...

1 year ago

The Main stream Media is the propaganda tool that each government worldwide uses to broadcast the `news` from their ministry of Truth. This is a war simulation, directly from the Ministry of Truth. The truth is not the narrative you see on TV or radio, which is all psyop (Psychological operations are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their motives and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of organizations, groups, and the masses). Why are they staging the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas `wars`? Firstly to blame these situations for the increase in prices in everything, and the shortage of nearly everything! These are the boogey man used as legitimate `reasons` to make our lives worse and worse. Secondly to keep the world on edge, is it going to lead to ww3? Keep the world in fear! Then convince the world that only the governments can keep us safe from `terrorists` and `climate change` and `diseases`, because they `care` about our Health. The truth is learnt from the ground up, you have to research what governments ban and why they want it banned. Take Julian Assange, his only crime was exposing the crimes of governments and their secret societies worldwide. Independent journalists like the late John Pilger exposed the lies of governments. You need to find independent journalists, but don`t trust google, it`s a tool for governments as well. The Bible gives us a picture of where the world is headed and what to expect. Jesuit-controlled billionaires are shaping the world. George Soros springs to mind; Soros, has given billions to left-wing causes around the world through his Open Society Foundations. Soros also helped bankroll pro-Iran deal lobbying efforts, donating tens of thousands of dollars in an effort to promote the agreement. Soros' organizations donated to the Ploughshares Fund, which Obama foreign policy adviser Ben Rhodes credited as part of the "echo chamber" the administration created to convince Congress and the press to back the deal. Ploughshares has also funded Parsi's nonprofit organization. Zarif, one of the most influential advocates for the Iran deal, has also reportedly spoken about his long-time relationship working with some Soros groups. All governments are being bought by jesuit-controlled billionaires, such as Bill gates, Soros and many more. Why? Because their plan is to enslave the world for their Master.

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