Inventing 1000 Years of Fake History by (j) Jesus / (i) Iesous Trick

1 year ago

Did you know that i = Iesous (Jesus in Greek), J = Jesus, X = Χριστός (Christ in Greek) and this is how they invented a thousand years from history? Have you ever had the feeling that history is perhaps different to what we were taught in school? Most of history is fake and I have proof! I’m going to show you timelines and maps of cartographers and their maps that clearly prove they invented 1000 years!




Natural Law is above all laws:
1. No man, woman or entity in or out of government shall initiate force, threat of force or fraud against my life, assets, and property and, any and all contracts I'm a party to not giving full disclosure to me whether signed by me or not are void at my discretion.
2. I may use force in self-defense against anyone that violates Law 1.
3. There shall be no exceptions to Laws 1 and 2.

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