Evil EU Law: Article 13 Psyop, GDPR, and Cookie Consent

1 year ago

EU is a socialist and communist experiment to be applied to other upcoming unions such as the North American Union (NAU) the South American Union, the Asian Union etc. Article 13 is probably a psyop just to see how far we can take it and since large organizations who are controlled by the same psychopaths protest against this regulation my opinion is that it won't pass into legislation. But I may be wrong. GDPR is already blocking content for European people and the Cookie Consent makes websites awful to use.

WEBSITE: https://barnabynagy.com


Natural Law is above all laws:
1. No man, woman or entity in or out of government shall initiate force, threat of force or fraud against my life, assets, and property and, any and all contracts I'm a party to not giving full disclosure to me whether signed by me or not are void at my discretion.
2. I may use force in self-defense against anyone that violates Law 1.
3. There shall be no exceptions to Laws 1 and 2.

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