Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix - #44 - A few more levels to 99 and the Story's Conclusion!

1 year ago

Originally streamed on 01/24/2023

Well, Thanks to constant stopping and restarting, playing through Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix only took me 540 days. It's kind of crazy to see how much these streams have improved in that time. I now have a camera, as well as a comfortable place to record. Is it perfect? No. But it has improved and I can only go up from here!

I think that's the coolest thing I learned from streaming so far. "Work with what is available to you. Learn all of its ins and outs. Once you do that, you'll improve and be ready for new challenges."

As much as I want that "Jay-Z studio basement" where I can stream, record, produce, and write. I haven't really acquired that knowledge where I can use it to it's fullest extent. It's a slow, step-by-step process. But there isn't any other way to learn.

But going back to where we stand with Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. Man, we left a lot of things undone. We didn't even unlock any crowns for Sora. That's mostly because those crowns and very easily obtainable through the post-game. Defeating Xenmas first was imperative to actually completing KHIIFM.

We will eventually return to complete the journal, the Data Battles, the Absent Silouhettes, Mushroom XIII. But if I want to finish the Kingdom Hearts series on stream before I'm 40, we gotta move!

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