Watch This! Fukushima Nuclear Meltdowns 2023.12.31

1 year ago

Fukushima Plume will continue to come to North America

In the history of science we've never seen anything like this fukushima plume heading to U.S. and Canada - Why is Japan allowed to get away with contamination ocean

Sailor : After we left Japan, it felt as if the ocean itself was dead - Nothing alive for 3000 miles - No longer saw turtles , dolphins , sharks , birds .

Top scientist David Suzuki : Fukushima is the most terrifying situation I can imagine - I've seen a paper which says it's bye-bye Japan and to evacuate N.America's west coast if Unit 4 goes after quake and rods are exposed

The Fukushima Crisis Comes To The U.S.A. - Professor: New and improved version of the original atomic plague is spreading . The truth is so incomprehensible it's easier to pretend it doesn't exist

Radioactive fallout in rain 10 times more than originally reported

Vancouver, Canada radiation tests show iodine-131 in rainwater at almost 100 times above US drinking water limit

Radioactive Iodine-131 in Pennsylvania rainwater sample over 3,000% of federal

EPA claim that no harmful radiation could reach US is “idiotic

TEPCO VP Possibly years before crisis ends

U.S. Study 23% higher incidence childhood leukemia within 16 km nuclear facilities

Washington air monitor shows sustained radiation spike

50 Bqkg Cesium 137 in humans leads to irreversible lesions in vital organs

Japan allows 20 times more cesium in drinking water than near Chernobyl

Elevated radiation also in Germany, Sweden, Slovakia

Hot spots at 1,400% baseline radiation levels on San Francisco

Nuclear expert horrified Feds abandoned Fukushima radiation monitoring

SURFACE forecast shows radioactive Xenon-133 lingering over Florida

Study Children living near nuclear plants have double leukemia rates

Crazy UC Berkeley Compares eating banana to drinking water from Fukushima plant

Uranium-234 detected in Hawaii, Southern California, and Seattle

Study reveals deaths and mutations ”increased sharply’ from Fukushima exposure

Reactor 3 “is the highly lethal mixed uranium-plutonium oxide (MOX )

Journal Unprecedented phenomenon from using saltwater in Fukushima reactors

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