I Woke Up Hearing Dolores' Voice: 2024 Time of Transition

1 year ago

I woke up hearing Dolores Cannon's voice telling me that 2024 will be a year like no other. Guaranteed. Dolores Cannon shows up to deliver a message, but something is much different this time.

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*About Candace Craw-Goldman*
Candace Craw-Goldman is a wife, mom and grandmother, a healer, a dreamer and a writer of magical things. She is the creator of _Beyond Quantum Healing_ and _Quantum Connect_ – modalities that explore, expand and elevate our human consciousness. She is the founder of https://quantumhealers.com, a GURU-free community of Healers and way showers. https://quantumhealers.com is a multi-platform of support and services for practitioners that includes a world-wide public directory, censorship-FREE support forum and quantum healing courses for healers of ALL kinds. Candace began her healer’s journey as Dolores Cannon’s teaching assistant and created Dolores’ Original QHHT Support Forum in 2008.
*Beginning of Transcription*
I woke up hearing to Dolores' voice.

You have entered the time of transition.

What does that mean exactly?

Well, let's start with what that means for you personally. Your access to the flow of information has been increased and expanded.

Is that why I sense you're not the only one present? It seems like there is a group presence here right now.

Indeed, I know you've gotten used to my voice. I'm still here. There's just more of me I'm expanding to.

Are you some part of some sort of counsel now?

Well, you could call it that. It's more like a team really. We do more than just counseling. Actually, I don't know at all.

I guess you're right about that.

We're actually involved with many things, including counseling.

Transition Team.

Well, that was weird Dolores. It's like we said that phrase at the exact same time. It's like I heard your voice, the others behind you and my own voice, all saying transition team at the same time.


That moment explains a lot though, doesn't it? Candace, you are and many others are to a part of the transition team. That is an important concept to understand. You are not separate from us in that regard. This is part of the expansion that is happening. For this next phase of communication. You can think of me, you can think of Dolores as a spokesman, or a spokeswoman if you want. It will help you to be more comfortable, at least at first.

You've always been so good at simplifying concepts.

I promise you're not losing me. Not at all. I am here, I will still help you to understand

What can you share about this transition?

Now at this moment, a series of images and scenes moved through my mind like a movie montage.

Variously I see the planet Earth, our Sun, our galaxy, and many other galaxies sort of reverberating and pulsating. I see the breath of a newborn baby. I see colors, feel vibration and hear music in the distance.

I watch as a single drop of water a tiny drop of water falls into a vast but calm and quiet see. The drop of water instantly is an experiences every other drop of water that exists every creature and plant every sensation and experience that is happening within this vast sea.

That was exhilarating. Dolores you really should be making movies Candace? She said laughing someday. I've made them in my head my whole life.

I'm thinking that the droplet of water is us. Humanity.

Yes. And you are on your way. You are deep into the time of transition. Nothing is going to stop this now. It's interesting imagining a fall rather than a rising of this drop in the visual most people consider ascension as going up.

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