The young philosopher torments with questions of adults.

7 years ago

For the child, the childhood, this best time to learn life. And, as, the investigation, any child can have problems and human questions which always demand clear answers, participation, council. And the adult shouldn't seem to us that it is only childish frivolous sports.
The attention to children's questions shows on how many we respect the children.
Children are inclined to philosophy, of course in different degree, but everything, at least because coming to the world of people begins to build up the individual relationship with life.
To us adult questions, the first category of pressing problems and requirements come adult: education, earnings, career, relationship with colleagues, carrying out rest, holidays. We solve them we find options and way out at difficulties. Adults are also concerned by the questions and problems connected with understanding of philosophy of own existence: why I live; with whom; why I live with this person, but not with that; in what sense of my life and whether there is it.
However, there is more time, we is given to the solution of problems of the first category.
The questions of existence at adults connected with understanding often are heard how shout of a despair or not understanding why it happened to me?
So happens when there were no quiet reflections thanks to which we designers of our inner world it can be, so possible to call people who constantly are engaged in the analysis. Paradoxically, the ability to analyze passes and it is promoted by desire quickly! and at once! to solve many problems or expectation that they will be solved by someone another.
Children, philosophers. In different, of course, degree, but all.
From the birth they are ready for life more harmonious, don't want to follow, unfortunately still to often found traumatic - the problem, family scenario. When to us to have to feel hostility to own child, it is necessary to understand that his life and his problems are estimable.
The child has the real life and problems the presents too. When misunderstanding between the child and the parent has arisen, the parent first of all is obliged to look to himself in soul. To leave to think. To reflect alone before to make the decision. The decision realized about independence, respect for the little person. Our disrespect for children is most often shown even not in our acts, and in our words, in how we talk to the child. It is followed, condemnations, charges and criticism where the parent seeks to avoid, take the responsibility for own feelings, requirements and actions. If the soul voice also supports us, we receive more congruent communications, deeper understanding, communication with mutual interest and healthy enthusiasm.
Be sure, it is a basis, the strong, healthy base in relationship for long times.

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