dumpster disinfection, hexanes in cooking oils, mineral water and kidney stones

1 year ago

23-10-17 Don't Kill the Cat! Episode 2 - still chaotic (reupload:
fixed editing topic order error; fixed color rendering management a bit)


00:00 hello
00:03 DKTC!
00:12 opening
00:14 overview

00:27 "the pen is mightier than the sword"
01:42 Notorious B.I.G. - rap / poetry

02:20 dumpster disinfection - waste / sanitation
05:37 hexanes in cooking oils - food / health
11:13 mineral water and kidney stones - health / chemistry

17:24 closing
17:36 DKTC!

Social Media

- contact - instagram.com/kuchesezik
- youtube.com/dktc0
- odysee.com/@dktc
- rumble.com/c/c-5352710
- dailymotion.com/dktc
- instagram.com/dktc0
- tiktok.com/@dktc000
- twitch.tv/kuchesezik


- brave.com
- one.livesplit.org
- wikipedia.org
- search.brave.com
- youtube.com
- duckduckgo.com

- Boris the Cat - commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mime_cat.jpg
- YouTube Automatic Subtitles - only the source language subtitles have been proofread and (lightly) edited; you can take advantage of automatically translated subtitles in 47 other languages but keep in mind there might be errors and unintelligible inconsistencies
- Apple iOS Speech - English (UK) Daniel (Enhanced)
- Apple macOS Terminal

- The Notorious B.I.G. - Notorious B.I.G. (cover)
- Duran Duran - Notorious

dumpster disinfection:
- https://kleentools.com/blogs/kleen-opener-blog/dumpster-safety-101-what-you-need-to-know-about-these-bulky-bins

kidney stones:
- https://www.healthxchange.sg/women/urology/urinary-stones-drink-sparkling-mineral-water
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9096270/
- https://www.watercare.com/about-us/blog/41153-common-misunderstandings-hard-water-and-kidney-stones.html
- https://www.thekidneydietitian.org/alkaline-water-kidney-stones/#Alkaline_Kidney_Stones

- https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2010/04/a-study-found-hexane-in-soy-protein-should-you-stop-eating-veggie-burgers.html
- https://web.archive.org/web/20150317073336/http://tofurky.com/ourstory/ingred_hexane.html

- Sesame Street (1969~) - Oscar the Grouch / Oscar's cell phone

Gear / Tools
- tinyurl.com/muehk8fm

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