Plane Crazy (1928) Mickey Mouse

1 year ago

"Plane Crazy" is a 1928 animated short film created by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks, featuring Mickey Mouse. Released before "Steamboat Willie," it is one of the earliest Mickey Mouse cartoons. In this short, Mickey is determined to fly an airplane, and he concocts various comical and inventive ways to achieve this dream. Despite his enthusiastic attempts, things don't go as planned, leading to a series of humorous misadventures. "Plane Crazy" showcases the endearing and mischievous personality of Mickey Mouse, contributing to the character's rapid rise to popularity. Similar to "Steamboat Willie," this early cartoon is characterized by its silent film style, as synchronized sound in animation was still in its infancy during this period. The success of "Plane Crazy" played a pivotal role in establishing Mickey Mouse as an enduring and beloved animated character.

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