The Israel-Palestine Conflict. The Hidden Puppet Masters & the Secret Agenda Behind Zionism

1 year ago

The Israel-Palestine Conflict. The Hidden Puppet Masters & the Secret Agenda Behind Zionism
Posted October 28, 2023
Date and Creator Unknown
Sorry. This Flat Earther posts everything about all of his other videos, But Nothing About Each Video He Posts. Lame...
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Christian Zionism: Cyrus Scofield was Rothschild’s puppet | VT Foreign Policy
- › 2020/10/17/…
Can you expand on this? Miller: The writing and promotion of “Scofield’s Reference Bible” was a massive effort to subvert true Christianity to serve Zionist/NWO interests, instead. Through subtle but false reinterpretations of the Bible, the evangelical Christian community has come to unquestionably support the Israeli state and perpetual war in the Middle-East, rather than the teachings of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. 
The Zionist Agenda ­ Part I › general75/zagend.htm

But Zionism is not a religion; it is a political agenda. Political agendas are normally the product of a state, or at least are intended to result in state action. ... Our unelected Chief Executive Moron has his finger on the button, and the Zionists, not neoconservatives, are the puppet masters pulling his strings. © THEODORE E. LANG 1/14/07 All rights reserved. Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.
The Occult Meanings of Israel and the Sinister Agendas of the Zionists
The Fact that Jews Worship Saturn can be Proved by the Obvious Fact that Rabbi's Wear the Black Cube of Saturn on their Heads.
The Occult Meanings of Israel
To find the occult meanings of Israel, you need to split the name Israel into three names. After you do this, the name Israel becomes Is-Ra-El. The name Is represents the ancient goddess Isis and the name Rarepresents the ancient god Ra. As for the name El, it represents the ancient god El, also known as Chronos (the god of time), Sat, Saturn, Saturnus, Pan and the Lord of the Rings.

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