Prophecies Against The Washington DC Government Crowd

1 year ago

Laugh at the false prophets. Their judgment is great!" "They must be punished, destroyed. They'll be suffering for all eternity. They must go. They're a blight in My sight. They must go. Amen. Thus says the LORD." --the Washington DC government crowd
"That's true!" --the most 'snakes' in Arizona are in and around the State Capitol buildings
"I can deal with it. It will be blasted apart in a second!" "Washington shall be destroyed, by nuclear missiles. I, The LORD, have spoken." --the U.S. Federal Government
"Obliterated by My face! They have caused many to go to Hell." "They must be destroyed. They refuse to obey Me. Great will be their destruction. Thus says the LORD." --The Pentagon, Washington, DC
"They must be judged." --the political people of Washington, DC & false spiritual people
"They refuse to do My will." "The country will be destroyed. Thus says the Living LORD of Hosts." --the USA
"I'll judge for that! I'll definitely judge for that- they are My people. This country will be destroyed. They must be destroyed for hating My people. They're too proud. Not Americans. They will do My will. They are My friends. Thus says the LORD of Hosts." --America's foreign policy objectives being the total destruction of the Arab world
"They must be destroyed. They're a blight in My face." --Generals, military leaders
"They'll be destroyed instantly! Thus says the LORD of Hosts." --Generals, military leaders
"They must go- destroyed forever. The LORD has spoken." --Generals, military leaders
"I'll judge for all that!" "They must be punished." --State Department officials and all involved in the Benghazi scandal
"They refuse to do My will." "They will burn in Hell. I have given them much, and they have misused it. They must be punished, for betraying the country, the people. They will be punished for all Eternity. I the LORD have spoken." --to the traitors in the government
"Rothschilds- they must be destroyed. They must go, My son- forever gone! Great will be their destruction. Not a one will escape My wrath. They must be punished. They must go. The LORD of Hosts has spoken."
"They must be punished- they refuse to do My will- each and every one of 'em! They refuse to obey. The LORD has spoken." --the Bilderbergers
"They must be punished. I gave them much, and they won't obey. Wrath is coming. Thus says the LORD of Hosts." --dirty politicians, Satanists
"I will judge for all of that- secrets behind My back." --The Secret Wars of the CIA
"They must be punished. They disobeyed. Who are they sending guns to Mexico? They must be punished for all eternity. Thus says the LORD." --the BATF in Phoenix

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