1 year ago

Just how did the US Government get taken over by these evil imbeciles? Take notice how they validate their experiments by always having a good side that could "help" the world and how they deny any wrongdoings.

It's unbelievable that they want everyone to purchase electric vehicles because of pollution, when they flat out state that they are spraying "Pollution" to block out the sun to prevent global warning. It's insane. They are trying to play God.

Some of the stuff in this video is just mind boggling.

FrankenSkies is an 80 minute social change documentary regarding the Solar Geoengineering/Chemtrail agenda that affects every living being on earth.

The struggle of bringing awareness to this subject, despite the obstacles of a socially engineered populace and the military industrial complex with its endless resources, is palpable in this awakening truth feature.

An impeccably timed eye-opening expose, the film reveals the campaign to normalize chemical cloud formations via atmospheric aerosol dispersals. Up against a normalization timetable encompassing a controlled media and an indoctrinated educational and political system, activists ask the question : Is your silence your consent?

This is a shocking, informative film on climate engineering / weather control, extreme low frequency - ELF experiments and CIA manipulation.

The film's narrative unfolds through a historical timeline of experimentation on humanity, bringing us to a modern-day laboratory that encompasses the air we breathe and dictates when and where the sun shall shine, or not.

Next - Read this to Learn the TRUTH about Chemtrails --

Keywords: Chemtrails, Project Popeye, ELF, Extreme Low Frequency Waves, Global Warning Hoax, Cloud Seeding, Climate Engineering, Frequency Control, Frankenskies, Weather Control, Silver Dioxide, Geoengineering, Climate Change

Source: Mirrored from - GerardDelaney40 --

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