The Soviet Biological Weapons Program: An Overview

1 year ago

The Soviet Biological Weapons Program: An Overview

All of this is discussed in my book "The Sleeper Agent: The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare" available on Amazon and at:

In this video, I will lay out the details and importance of the Soviet/Russian biological weapons program, which, unbeknownst to many today, became the most advanced in the world, and I will show how this is so

To understand their focus exclusively on biological warfare, we must go back to the days of WWI and the 1918 Influenza

Driven by the idea that the 1918 Influenza was a biological weapon created by Britain, Soviet Intelligence put special emphasis on biological weapons and focused exclusively on it from that point forward

1938 saw the declaration that biological warfare would become the weapon to fight future wars, and when they acquired the world's most advanced bioweapons lab in East Germany (Erich Traub's institute, Insel Riems) along with the best of Japan's Unit 731, the USSR gained an undreamed of advantage over the West.

All of this is discussed and so much more in my book "The Sleeper Agent: The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare" available on Amazon now:

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