My Findings: Willy Burgdorfer Did Not Weaponize Lyme Disease and co-infections, it was Erich Traub

1 year ago

My Findings: Willy Burgdorfer Did Not Weaponize Lyme Disease and co-infections, it was Erich Traub

In this video, I briefly discuss the role of Willy Burgdorfer in the weaponization of Lyme disease, and in my book "The Sleeper Agent: The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare, I show that it can be tied directly to Erich Traub rather than Willy Burgdorfer, its official public "discoverer"

I show in my book how the one who put the weaponized ticks together had to have been a veterinarian with skill in adaptation to various animals and their immune systems.

I show that the viral proteins on the Lyme spirochetes, the resulting immune tolerance, the various animal adaptations that took place had Traub's signature all over it. I can show when he acquired the spirochetes, which was the same year he was well-versed in the art of using multiple tickborne diseases in one tick.

I show that the entire pathway Lyme disease took, which first shows up in Germany and follows Traub's activities, and the Soviets who captured his East German lab took strains with them just after WWII.

I show that an important poultry conference discussing attacks on the poultry industry in 1953 were already underway the year before WIlly Burgdorfer was able to sign on to U. S. Biodefense work in 1954 and he spent the first year more in Montana working on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

All of this is discussed in my book:

The Sleeper Agent: The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great
Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare

available now at:

Also available on Amazon :

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