NT Framework 29 Doctrine of Infallibility Applied

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SBC Family,

We're going to press on with the doctrine of infallibility. This is a doctrine that is distinct from inspiration and inerrancy, but it is closely related. Infallibility is the issue of whether Jesus and the prophets and apostles might have committed technical errors when recording or stating details of history and science. There are many evangelicals today who willingly accept that Jesus did commit these types of errors, though in the area of faith and morals He never erred. We'll pick up our discussion by looking back at how this happened. It's a long story, but we'll just look at a few stepping stones along the way. We'll look at the Chicago statement on Inerrancy from 1978, and I'll share a story from a fellow congregant who encountered this issue while attending seminary around 1980. This is why we have such division in evangelicalism today over the issue of young earth creationism and pagan cosmic evolution.

See the handout. We will focus on pp 4-6.

Grace to you,



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