Article 4450 Video - Population - Tuesday, October 31, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4450 Video - Population - Tuesday, October 31, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Population, as a subject for public consideration and debate, entered the arena in 1798 when Thomas Malthus, an English (it's always the Brits) Economist wrote a little tract called "An Essay on the Principle of Population".

In this essay, Malthus supposed that population growth was exponential and growing by powers of 2 endlessly multiplied, while the expansion of food production was arithmetic in nature and bound to always fall behind demand, thereby causing poverty and starvation.

Thus, Malthus opined, population growth was a problem and reproduction must be strictly curtailed.

This subtle idiocy has stood as the excuse for poverty, cruelty, and scarcity in the midst of abundance ever since, and more than two hundred years later, Malthus's ideas continue to dominate discussions about population simply because nobody bothers to observe that his theory has been disproven.

So have the embroideries of his students, the infamous authors of The Population Bomb, a reiteration of Malthusian Theory spiced up and reissued in the 1960's, been disproven.

If the theories of Thomas Malthus were correct, or the additional suppositions of his students, either, we would all be living on top of each other and eating Salted Straw and Dirt Kabobs for supper.

This predicted theoretical result is directly and observably absent more than two hundred years later, so the Sane Man concludes that Malthusian ideas about population are rubbish, and he may or may not trouble himself to poke around and discern why they are rubbish.

In either case, the Sane Man does not continue to use Malthusian Theory as the cornerstone underlying public policies concerning population --- which suggests that the members of the EU Parliament and members of the US Congress and the members making up the entire Chinese Government have all lost their minds.

The Earth is observably not overpopulated and our ability to feed ourselves and our brethren worldwide is only limited by our own stupidity, selfishness, and overall refusal to invest in better means of waste management.

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