HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE Punters! A Satirical Romp Through 2023 and a Glimpse into 2024!

9 months ago

Senator Papahatziharalambrous' New Year Extravaganza: A Satirical Romp Through 2023 and a Glimpse into the Future! If you only watch one video this year 🤣

G’day to all my ripper followers, Senator Papahatziharalambrous here, and what a year it's been, or as we say in Australia, a year that's been more confusing than Keith Andrews (Dan's Husband) trying to get through a roundabout.

2023: The Year That Was

Now, let's cast our minds back, shall we? In 2023, we witnessed more twists and turns than a platypus trying to write a Shakespearean tragedy. We had politicians not delivering on promises they made during another bullshit election campaign, bureaucrats forcing their woke agendas on the hard working punter, and, of course, the grand spectacle of the never-ending saga called "Let's Throw Freedom, Democracy and Common Sense Out the Window."

But fear not, my dear followers, for I have braved this tumultuous journey with you, armed with the unassailable shield of common sense, a sense of humor sharper than a kangaroo's kick to Penny Wong’s bollocks, and a healthy dose of skepticism that would make a seasoned detective blush.

2023 Highlights: The Good, The Bad, and The Bizarre

In 2023, we saw the unveiling of the "Misinformation and Disinformation Bill," a masterpiece that attempted to redefine reality faster than you could say "Dan Andrews Is A Fucking Cunt." It's almost like they need to make it a crime to question anything, but hey, who needs critical thinking anyway?

On a brighter note, my fellow Aussies, we've witnessed the resilience of the true blue spirit during the relentless lockdowns. We became experts in finding creative ways to spend time outdoors past the one hour allowed and Hitleresque curfew, and some of us even managed to turn our garages into makeshift pubs, err gyms for our mates from the high raise community flats to escape the Vicstapo. I say, if life gives you lemons, throw the moldy ones at your failed Elected Representatives!

2024: A Papahatziharalambrous Vision

Now, my friends, let's turn our gaze towards 2024, the year I predict will be more surprising than finding a kangaroo doing politically incorrect stand-up comedy in the Outback.

Firstly, justice must prevail for those who knowingly pushed an experimental jab that was neither safe nor effective. I expect them to be held accountable faster than you can say "Koala-ty control."

Next up, the grand spectacle of the 2024 elections. Brace yourselves, for I predict Trump will not only run but will win by a landslide. It'll be a victory sweeter than Vegemite, err honey on toast.

And let's not forget our dear friend, ex-Premier Dan Andrews. My wish for him is to find his utopia, a place where he can fully embrace his authoritarian tendencies. I hear North Korea is lovely this time of year. Happy to drive you and your family to the airport, if you promise to never come back, ya cunt.

Lastly punters, in 2024, let's usher in the comeback of common sense. Let's make it so common that even politicians start using it. It's time to drain the billabong of nonsense, tip out the rats from Parliament, and Make The West Grouse Again!

Cheers to you, my wonderful followers, and here's to a New Year filled with laughs, freedom, and a few surprises that even this old Aussie couldn't predict. May your 2024 be as grouse as a barbie on Bondi Beach, or a Barbie in bed, the kitchen bench, in the shower, and on the bonnet of your car!

And remember, God loves laughter.

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