Boycott or DIE

1 year ago

Idk why its so hard for ppl to let go of Facebook of twitter of mainstream news

Why do ppl use windows and Microsoft then shop at Walmart, Amazon, McDonald's while using a iPhone then buying bayer or pfizer garbage meds while eating monsanto food. I assume everyone wants to die and suffer bad. Then bitch about it and complain and blame others or the system or the government.

I cannot believe ppl are this stupid. Its almost impossible.

Its like when i was at the store. Local store buying local products with cash. The man before me was using credit of course bc everyone only has credit visa and mastercard . First it couldn't have been his first time. Chip card . Yet he was using the strip slidding the card it wasnt working he was pulling out more creditcards. It was painful to watch. Then he had card in chip reader backwards. This whole ordeal was almost 5 min. WHAT THE HELL. I have seen ppl do stupid shit like this daily with everything.
What the hell is wrong with people. We are truely doomed if ppl are this stupid.

To be intelligent in a stupid society is a curse. Only stupid ppl thrive. You are a outcast if u are different. Stupid is easy to control they never ask questions they obey the dumbest shit.

I dont know how ppl are so dumb. Why ? But clearly the majority of stupid will destroy us all

Like a drowning person who will take u down with them in the panic and emotional distress

Today ppl are not thinking. All emotions no logic following blindly and idk what is wrong with their brains.

Maybe its the tap water
Maybe its the glyphosate in foods
Maybe the vaccine
Maybe its all the toxic meds like statin drugs or anxiety , antidepressants

But people are not acting normal. I have seen ppl do stupid things that children wouldn't do.

Stop supporting Vangaurd and Blackrock


Saying it for 10 years and this could have been prevented but the sheep want to jump off the cliff for some reason and take all the animals with them

Who ownes the banks
Vangaurd Blackrock

Fed reserve- Blackrock

Who has bought Ukraine
Blackrock and gates with Microsoft took all the data.

Dont get it how everyone clearly want to lose it all suffer and die. No species on earth is this stupid , this arrogant and this ignorant. Humans are truly mentally retarded.

The people can stop it all today. I dont fucking get the death wish the taunting of it wont happen i am ok with it oh shit i am fucked someone help me . What is with this route of stupidity

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