1844 Under the Microscope, Part 1

8 months ago

Seventh-day Adventists have what they call their sanctuary doctrine, which claims that Daniel 8:14 is the key to understanding that the pre-advent judgment began October 22, 1844.

Our ministry has been receiving a lot of questions about this doctrine, as people seek answers that the church will not, or can not, provide.

If, as we believe, this is a wrong interpretation of the end time prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, that means that an entire denomination is missing the real end time prophetic warnings that God wants them to have. We feel that exposing how this doctrine does not meet the specifications of the prophecies is necessary to prompt people into seeking what the prophecies actually have for them in these final days. We do this not to criticize or condemn, but rather to move people forward in their understanding.

Truth does not suffer from examination, so with that in mind, join us as we examine some of the different aspects of the 1844 sanctuary doctrine, to see why they do not add up.

In this teaching, the question put forward to Tom was in regard to his statement last week that the SDA founders were wrong in their understanding, yet writings from Ellen White back up their understanding. Join Tom and others as they discuss how God has, through the last 2000 years or longer, allowed His people to misapply end time prophecies as though these prophecies applied to their day.

The first part of the sanctuary doctrine is based on the idea that the Daniel 8:14 timing is tied to the timing of the prophecies in Daniel 9. We have thoroughly examined, and in our opinion disproved, that idea in an article that can be found here: https://www.endtimesprophecy.com/research/does-daniel-9-reveal-the-start-date-of-daniel-814/ Today's teaching shows that a judgment beginning in 1844 is in direct conflict with the idea that the little horn power, who was speaking when the judgment began, and was judged and punished after this judgment, ruled from 538 AD to 1798 AD. The prophecies are clear that the little horn power is active at the time of the judgment.

If you have any questions about the sanctuary doctrine that you would like Tom to answer, please leave them in the comments section below, or contact us through our website at www.EndTimesProphecy.com. We will seek to answer your questions through our video teachings over the next several weeks.

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