Jonesing for Jesus clip 6

1 year ago

Think about this question.

  📍 📍 Who is the master and who is the slave?

  📍 In Romans 7:15, Paul says, for I do not understand my own actions for I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. So basically, if you're asking yourself who's the master and who's the slave,

  📍 📍 📍 📍 you're asking yourself, "Who is saying jump?"


  📍 📍 who is saying, "How high?"


  📍 So, ..., when I started being

  📍 📍 a, Believer in Christ, when I started becoming a Christ follower,

 I decided that Jesus Christ was going to be my master. But what does that mean today? Sometimes it has negative connotations of slavery and stuff like that. I am talking about slavery, but the slavery of one that we choose for ourselves,

  📍 that we gladly serve someone who is above us, who has all the power above us, but rightfully so.

 Because this person has our best interests in mind.   📍 Without this person watching over us, we will be a disaster. We will fall so far. We won't know how to get back up.

 That's why classes like Celebrate Recovery exist to reintroduce ourselves to our creator, to reintroduce ourselves to

  📍 the one who can give us freedom from those hurts and those habits and those hangups.

 So in Proverbs 25:4 it says, That, ............ take away the dross from silver and the Smith has material for a vessel, but we all want to refine who we are to make ourselves into better versions of who we are.

  📍 And there's this stuff inside of metal. It's called dross. And that's the, ..., the yucky impurities that, ..., we need to remove from the metal in order to

  📍 make it into something like a pure silver or a pure gold.

 We want to get rid of the dross, all of the negative impurities in our life. And so, ..., refining is the process of making pure what is not pure, ..., but what does that really look like?

  📍 Well, I think it's actually doing what God wants for us instead of what we want for us. It's being less selfish in our lives.

 It's trying to ask God, what do you want for me? Instead of, God, give me this, give me this, give me this, if I even claim to believe in God.

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