
1 year ago

[Reflective & Contemplative Poem Collection]

A little poem about emotional release and renewal called ‘Revitalise’ which I felt may be timely for the ending of one year and the start of another as we step into 2024.

Enjoy and Happy New Year to One and All.

It will be part of a collection that I refer to as 'Reflective & Contemplative’ poems which contains ‘an Analytical and Pensive blend of observational ditties and experiences.

For my creations completed to date from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry” or

For more from my ‘Poem Collections’ or ‘Playlists’ see YouTube “Poetry From Me @ Louiseiology”

Please support and help ‘propagate’ by expressing a Like, Comment or Subscribe; Share a Poem or Channel link with family, friends or groups; or aid ongoing efforts with Buy Me A Coffee

Many thanks,

Poem wording:-


Emotional release and renewal.
It’s vital.
Internal, not environmental.

Innate, profound and
mostly elemental …
Inward to for outward flow.
Allow it to surface and then …
Let it go!

Keep the lesson,
don’t doubt the yearning.
We are all here,
in this earth school
for the learning!!

And each ‘class’,
helps us, in discerning.
Our being, the truth of our seeing.
Gives each of our experiences,
more meaning.

Take what’s ‘good’.
Learn from the ‘bad’.
You are not alone …
We have all been had!!

Revise, revisit, reflect.
Review, recognise, renew.
Go internally and revitalise you!!

Be that beam, upon a face.
Know that with others’
We weave and interlace.

Trust the intuitions …
Maybe go ‘off’ plan!!
Love yourself and others …
and be the best that you can.

17th September 2023.
Reflective & Contemplative Poem Collection.

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