The death of a 14-year-old student has sparked public outrage and protests in Henan, China

11 months ago

12/27/2023 The death of a 14-year-old student has sparked public outrage and large-scale, persistent protests in Henan, China. According to videos circulating online, the deceased had multiple injuries on his body, but the school refused to provide the surveillance video footage, with the local government claiming that the deceased jumped to his death for personal reasons, which, however, sparked more people to join the protest and clash with the police. This incident again shows that the CCP always suppresses the truth and disregards the lives of ordinary Chinese people.
#CCPtyranny #TakedowntheCCP
12/27/2023 河南一名14岁学生的死亡引发了民众强烈不满和大规模持续抗议。网传视频显示,死者身体有多处伤痕,但学校拒绝提供监控视频和相关证据,当地政府声称死者是因为个人原因跳楼自杀,但这份公告反而促使更多人加入抗议并引发与警察的冲突。此次事件再次证明,中共总是压制真相的传播并无视老百姓的生命!
#中共暴政 #消灭中共

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