"Dog hit" yet again, nothing found

9 months ago

this man was traveling in Nevada when he was stopped for speeding. instead of writing him hos ticket or warning him and sending him on his way, they called for a dog and said the dog hot for drugs. they proceeded to search the vehicle and find not a thing, so they gave him a warning. cops can't just prolong stops and call dogs for no reason. even know they can't they do, every day across thos country and people need to see it and realize it and start holding them accountable. this is for news and educational purposes. The public needs to see this and be aware of it.


Samson David's Channel

original video

I'm not sure which state police barracks it was, so I just included their hq

Nevada Highway Patrol Headquarters
555 Wright Way, Carson City, NV 89711
+1 775-687-5300

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