Drawing Doctor Who - Cyberman

5 months ago

The Cybermen were a "race" of cybernetically augmented humanoids. They varied greatly in design between numerous different Cyber-subspecies, and originated independently through parallel evolution from various locations across time, space and universes, including Mondas, Telos, Planet 14, Marinus, a Mondasian colony ship, the Earths of the Doctor's universe and "Pete's World", and at least one other parallel universe.

Although almost all Cybermen lacked emotions, as they considered them to be a weakness and instead embraced pure logic, they were often born out of a human civilisation's, or an individual's, fear for survival, which was often inflicted by threats such as poverty or the degradation of a civilisation's world. Other times, the Cybermen were born out of an extreme desire for immortality. Through the misuse of Cyber-Technology, Cybermen could be born on other worlds even if a civilisation was not burdened by threats to survival, such as on Samotis, Centuria and Catrigan Nova.

Due to parallel evolution, there were numerous similarities and differences between groups of Cybermen; most lacked names or individuality beyond a rank, and all sought to fully conquer their respective universes to ensure their survival and "upgrade" all "compatible" life forms to ensure those beings survived as well. Some sought to conquer other universes as well, or even the entire multiverse. Unable to naturally breed themselves, the Cybermen most often attempted to achieve these goals via a process called cyber-conversion, the physical and mental re-engineering of organic lifeforms, often humans and humanoids with similar biologies, into Cybermen.

Throughout their collective history, the Cybermen established many Cyber-Empires and engaged in many different Cyber-Wars, often against humanity, which eventually led to the Cybermen being pushed to the edge of extinction. However, they always found ways to survive and rebuild, ultimately allowing the Cybermen to survive until the end of the universe.

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