Tore Says: CCP Blue Helmets Are Coming to Help Us

1 year ago


So everyone has been looking at all if these things that have been happening with the invaders from the Southern Border but as I've said before, they're going to be coming from the north and I'll tell you how they do it.

Mayorkas, right now, at the DHS is taking orders from the UN. If you guys have been paying attention, the Blue Helmets that are helping disorder in Africa are all Chinese.

There's an event that's happening. Soon.

And what's going to happen is that the UN will step in to help America. Guess who the Blue Helmets are going to be? The CCP. They're going to come down from the north.

Like I said, people aren't paying attention. They're too busy getting talking points and sharing memes, rather than focusing on the real threat in this country.

Take back your elections. Get rid of them [machines]. That's how you fix everything.

Get rid of the machines, so we can have fair and free ad honest elections.

Let's take a look at this. This is actually their itinerary. They get paid bus, train and plane tickets paid by your tax dollars to invade your country.

And if you notice, their presentation date is two years after they come through the border. Interesting.

And now, this is a picture from Chicago O'Hare Airport, where they've screened off a portion of the terminal so all these invaders can take a nap while they allocate them with hosts.

Let's. not forget, wasn't it in Chicago where a woman was found to be holding migrants hostage slave workers?

Now, our homeless people are disappearing for medical care at a rapid rate across the nation. Disappearing.

Imagine tens of thousands of people daily. Where are they going?

We have an obligation, as human beings – even if they're invading – to ask that question.

Where are all these women and children going? What are they doing with them?

Experimentation, anyone? Organ harvesting, anyone? These are just ideas.

The more you know...

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