Who is the Antichrist? | 1 John, 2 John, Zechariah 11 | Session 10 | PROPHECY COURSE

1 year ago

Nero Caesar, Adolf Hitler, numerous Catholic popes, members of the British monarchy, Martin Luther, Henry Kissinger, Aleister Crowley, Mikhail Gorbachev, and several recent US presidents; what do these have in common? They have all been accused of being the Antichrist, the end times emperor who is said to come in the last days to take over the world and persecute the people of God (unless, of course, they’ve already been raptured up!) But what does the Bible really teach about the Antichrist?

Who is the Antichrist?
When I first began pulling together the curriculum for the Prophecy Course Bible study, I knew one of the lessons would be on the Antichrist, tribulation, the mark of the beast (666); all of it. I was naïve enough to believe this could all be accomplished in one half-hour lesson!
As I began to study the Antichrist, I got way more than I bargained for. I gathered all the scriptures people use to make their case for our biblical boogeyman. That included:

• Paul’s man of lawlessness of 2 Thessalonians 2,
• The one who makes a covenant with many of Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy,
• John’s beast of Revelation,
• The foolish shepherd in Zechariah 11, and finally,
• John’s antichrists.

Yet, as I researched these passages, I found these scriptures speak of different events. Are all these characters one and the same? No, absolutely not. But the question, "Who is antichrist?" remains.

“Antichristos,” occurring only in the Johannine epistles—specifically first and second John—refers to a group forwarding false doctrine, specifically “denying that Christ has come in the flesh.” In Revelation, John never once uses the term to describe the beast that arises from the sea, and he certainly would have if these were the same character. Further study of the “beast” shows us both Daniel and John use the term to describe reprobate nations, their kings and the fallen angelic forces driving them.

Prophecy Course. Bible prophecy made clear. (https://prophecycourse.org/)

🔹 Conduct a brief survey of heresy confronting the early Church
🔹 Achieve a basic understanding of Gnosticism and its first-century ascent

02:45 False Prophets Abound
08:09 Who is Antichrist?
10:35 Top Antichrist Theories
10:42 Theory #1: Backslidden Messianic Jews
11:40 Theory #2: Gnosticism
18:43 Theory #3: Future Antichrist
19:26 Top Candidates for Antichrist
19:42 Cerinthus
22:34 Nero
23:51 The Papacy
25:47 Hitler
28:16 Zechariah 11
31:45 The End of the Antichrist


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