Open Message to Police and Military - johnperna2 - 2012

1 year ago

Published on Nov 26, 2012

"This is a message to the Police, to the military, to the TSA, to FEMA, to Homeland Security & to all members of every other enforcement arm of the government. This video was uploaded by a member of Oathkeepers. You took an oath to support & defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. We ask you to honor your oath. Please join OATHKEEPERS. We are organizing police & military & teaching adherance to oath of office: Support & defend the Constitution. If police & military refuse illegal orders, tyranny fails. The American people desperately need your honor & your courage.

VIEW the Oath Keepers Playlist - broken link
Your own freedom is at risk too. Tyrants need stormtroopers & lawyers while they are accumulating power. They kill them later. Whoever the tyrant allows to survive will meet justice after the tyrant falls. Nuremberg will happen again. Stormtroopers are peacocks one day & feather dusters the next. Watch: Nazi Leaders Executed At Nuremberg at broken link

"We were just obeying orders" was the common excuse at Nuremberg. How did that work? This video will help to refresh our memories.

At Nuremberg it was necessary to painstakingly recover the evidence. This time we are keeping records & duplicating & storing those records. Much of what has happened to the lower echelon criminals is too graphic for youtube. This Nuremberg video is very mild . Also watch Nuremberg trial footage.
Videos of those thugs; who "were just obeying orders", are abundant. Watching them crying, begging for their lives, & then finally laid out on slabs with nooses still around their necks is small reward to their victims, or to the families of their victims.
These were the lucky ones. They got a trial & a humane death. Often these thugs are captured by enraged mobs and die horribly.

Whatsoever a man soweth, so shall he also reap.
Read "Do You Think That America is Not a Police State Yet?"

Thomas Jefferson said:
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
I add to this:
"The battle for freedom is never won, and is never lost.
The battle for freedom always continues.
It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom.
No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope.
No matter how free we are we are never safe.
Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it.
The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back" John Perna

When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point, failure to defend liberty makes slavery a certainty. John Perna

Watch the rest of the videos on this channel to make this a clear.
johnperna2's channel:

To understand what we are facing there is a short playlist of videos on youtube channel johnperna2, called Police State: broken link

PRODUCED by StormCloudsGathering "

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Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)

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