A Mass Shooting Every Day??? The Man Behind the Lie

1 year ago

Warning: Shows news footage of shots being fired at others

The United States went from having a couple dozen mass murders a year to having hundreds and hundreds.

Mark Bryant, the director of The Gun Violence Archive is the reason Americans think we have a mass killing every day when in fact violence is actually going down.

People want more gun laws based on the propaganda this man produces and the mainstream media repeat.

Whenever there IS a high profile “mass shooting” the mainstream media ask Mark Bryant how many there have been and he says “more than one a day”. This is false.

This video uses a study from Columbia University's Injury Epidemiology Journal did a study of the topic in 2019 to outline the great deception.

The media share the blame. They ALWAYS say “there’s no universally agreed-upon definition of a mass shooting” then quote Bryant’s misleading numbers.

Gun control propaganda is dominated by old men looking for relevance and Bryant is one of these. Anyone who exaggerates gun deaths is granted is fifteen minutes of fame. In Bryant's case, fifteen minutes of fame again and again.

#fakenews #gunrights #guncontrol #SSAA #NFA #gunviolencearchive #NRA #secondamendment #conservatism #massshooting

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