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Mary Grace interviews today's guest Scotty Saks. Scotty Saks is host of Sovereign Radio, Broadcasting from the Belly of the Beast of Main Stream Media since the onset of the Global Plandemic, on AM News Talk Radio in Texas and California, and now on iHeart, Google Play and Stitcher.
The show has attracted guests like Dr. Alveda King, Charlie Kirk, Fox News Legal Analyst Gregg Jarrett, G. Edward Griffin (Author of The Creature of Jekyll Island which opened his eyes to the evil workings of the Central Bankers and their sycophant Politicians) and many others.
Scotty has been entrenched in Hollywood, Main Stream Media, the Music Industry and Professional Sports since the Mid 70’s.  At the age of 17 he was working with his Korean War Marine Veteran Father, who was Producing Television for Art Linkletter and Arthur Godfrey.  He has worked hands on and observed the inner working of the Satanic Media & Entertainment Complex since 1981, serving Major Brands and small business alike, negotiating over a Billion Dollars of Advertising & Sponsorship Deals with all the Major TV & Radio Networks and all of the four Major Professional Sports (NBA, NFL, NHL & MLB).  He has Produced & Syndicated TV and Radio Shows for Legends like Johnny Cash, Kenny Rogers, James Brown, The Blue Angels, and ESPN Off Shore Boat Racing Series.

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