Todd Callender – Traitors will be HANGED & Kirk Elliot – Bank Runs and Failures in 2024

9 months ago

Part I -- Talks about this traitor part around 22:55 mark. Todd says the Deep State is in its final days and is taking its last breaths (I don’t believe that, but evidently Todd does). The Next 12 months will be very important.

Part II -- The second part of this video is with Dr. Kirk Elliot. Colonel Douglas MacGregor was interviewed by Patrick Bet David and Col. Doublas MacGregor said: “I think we’ll wake up one day and the banks will be closed for 2 – 3 weeks. No one will be able to get in them.” He also doesn’t believe the 2024 election will occur (I think it will).

Basel III International Accord - The Regulatory Framework for Banks – In March of 2020 – the banks didn’t have to have ANY money on hand to make loans. There was ZERO percent Reserve requirement.

Isn’t this kind of setting the Banks up to fail big time?

If people go and get their money out, there won’t be any money because they f*cked up by mismanaging due to the Federal Reserve giving them the rope to hang themselves.

Sure sounds like a deliberate set up, doesn’t it?

Then they change the reserves to 20%. So how in the hell if the bank already was below this amount, is it supposed to magically come up with all that money to suffice the new regulations?

There is no way they can. This is why the smaller banks who completely mismanaged their loans by taking the Feds bait and going below the cash on hand threshold are going to crash and burn.

This was a PLAN folks. What is the Plan you ask? The plan is that the Fed, who is totally in bed and unison with the Big Banks, KNEW that many of the smaller ones would take the bait – the rope and hang themselves.

Guess who will “rescue” them? The Big Banks will come in and buy them up.
The PLAN is to destroy the smaller banks and get EVERYONE to be members of the Big Banks like Chase Jp Morgan, Citi, World Bank, Bank of America.

Why do you think these banks are offering like $300 dollar bonuses just to join them?

They do NOT want family-owned businesses, they want to destroy all of them and force them to either fail or be bought out by the big corporations.

Why do they want everyone joining the Big Banks?

Because eventually they do plan on crashing all world governments as they all are in insolvent. They want to do their “Great Reset” and start a brand new financial system so they can introduce their One World Digital Currency with has EVERYTHING to do with Social Compliance.

Central Bank Digital Currency - (CBDC), which are being presented to be local, country by country is not true. They are really a CODE Word for the One World Digital Dollar that is actually going to be Ushered in and NOT and not YOUR own countries digital currency.

This is called the CSRQ -- Common Sovereign Restricted Quarantine - this is for the "common folks" and the ones "not in the club" and they will be restricted to what they can do with their money and how they can spend it.

It is based on Social Credit – Wealth Ratings: Sovereigns – like Trump, Biden, Hillary and most of the world leaders will be exempt from vaccinations and exempt from how much assets they can have. Quarantine and Restricted are for the poor and those that try to get wake people up to resist the tyranny, Common – which is the sheep, most of the population who are either sleeping or simply don’t give a sh*t.

Just to make it clear: Everyone will have one of these labels or statuses:
1. Common, 2. Restricted, 3. Quarantine or 4. Sovereign.

So for the “Club Members” – they will have Sovereign Status.

Here is an Example of what it will look like for someone with a Quarantined Status:
Amount of accounts:
75 Million or 1% of humans (approximate)
Covid vaccination required:
Booster shots required:
Yes (5 or more)
Monthly USDR Per Month:
Asset limitations:
Yes (no greater than $500 net worth at any given time)
Account limitations:
Yes (bank account cannot exceed $250 USDR)
Carbon score:
Yes (restricts travel and food consumption; 1 is lowest and best, 500 is highest and worst).

The $250 means your bank account – your digital wallet, cannot exceed this amount. Everyone BELOW Sovereignty Status will receive a UBI – Universal Basic Monthly Income. The income will be based on your status.

Each class also contains separate screens for fines, demerits, penalties and so on, as well as sections for rewards for good behavior.

This is just one very small part of the plan. Other parts include Smart Cities and the Food we can eat and all the restrictions, like not growing our own food.

I believe this is the 2050 Agenda. It will be after a great portion of the population is reduced by you know whats.

More on the CSRQ here --

There is a secret book called "The Book of Gideon" which contains all their intel up until August 31st and that book can be downloaded here in PDF form as of 12/29/2023 - get it now and make copies.


Vaxxchoice --

Man in America --

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