PROPHECY- Prophetic Word Against My Black People

1 year ago

PROPHECY- Prophetic Word Against My Black People

“Why won’t they obey, My son? They refuse to obey Me anymore. They have gone astray after wealth; materialism rules their lives. They will not obey Me anymore, says the Living God. They love the world, and the things in the world. Worldly music dominates their lives; they will not repent; they love it and cannot. My people have gone astray, and I will punish them, says the Living God. Many will perish in the next pandemic, expect it! They will fall from grace because they love Me not but the world. Their children are not taught the right way to go in My Word, but they let them go into the world. Therefore, few will be saved among them; they love the world more than Me. They will not repent because they love it too much. They have gone astray and will not return unto Me. Thus says the Living God.”

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