CeCe n Me

1 year ago

There is a large part of a chapter in SOUL HUNGER ~ 'Denial and the Struggle Within'
that tells the story of a kitten I rescued from an animal shelter, after having a heart attack from nonstop 70-90 hour work weeks, eating out all the time, and a nightlife that should never had been, my doctor at the time, suggested I get a dog, I said I could not with being alone and never home, he said, "Get a cat" I said: I hate cats....he said: why? After a short pause...I told him not sure, but my whole family hate cats...suddenly we locked eyes of understanding of how ridiculous that sounded, so, the next day, CeCe entered my life.....who would have thought, it wasn't me rescuing him, but he was rescuing me!🙏

Dennis C Durbin
PO Box 174
Wellton, Az 85356


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