JFK Conspiracy: Were LBJ and Nixon Involved?

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In this “Best of Strange Bedfellows” highlight from Episode 22 (original air date: Nov. 25, 2023) we talked to #JFK historian Jim DiEugenio on the 60th anniversary of the #JFKAssassination.

James DiEugenio is the editor of KennedysAndKing.com, and the author of five books about the assassinations of the 1960s. He wrote the screenplay for Oliver Stone's "JFK Revisited" documentary series and is a co-author of the new book "Chokeholds: Proof There Was A Conspiracy in the JFK Assassination."

We delve into the theory posited by former #Nixon and #Trump advisor Roger Stone alleging that #Kennedy's own vice president, #LBJ, was part of the #conspiracy to murder JFK.

In his 2016 book "The Man Who Killed Kennedy," Stone makes his case against LBJ. Jim DiEugenio says Stone's book is ridden with factual errors and corrects them here.

Is Roger Stone running a clever ruse to distract the public from the involvement of his former employer, President Richard Nixon?

We'll look at the circumstantial evidence against both Lyndon Johnson and Nixon, and let you, the jury, decide if one or both men were guilty. Or perhaps you'll conclude that both former presidents have been falsely accused of involvement in the crime of the century.

This was my favorite "Strange Bedfellows" episode of 2023, and a perfect finale' to the year.

PROGRAMMING NOTE: We are taking the month of December off from “Strange Bedfellows” for some family time during the holidays. Every Saturday night this month we will rebroadcast highlights from some of our favorite episodes of 2023 as a year-in-review (and what a crazy year it has been). New live episodes return starting January 6, 2024!

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Many thanks to the Maverick News Channel for hosting this program.

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